Love can happen anytime, any moment. . . When Two hearts Commited 2 be One, It calls Marriage!


Sunday, May 27, 2007

Tips:- When You Realise First Love

Today i will tell you how you will come to know who is your first love & when you will realise this, as a doctor love my first guidance will be for girls & then for boys.

Girls are very sentimental about all small issues whether its friendship or its love, so girls my first suggestion to you is never be so jeolous or show your sentiments for your partner, this will only hurt you. So now began with my tips for girls.

Tips for Girls:-

1) When you are close to someone you never realise your love, but when you stay far away from him just even for 15-30 minutes you will start missing him.

2) When you see your boyfriend talking to any other girl, but ignoring you, you start feeling jeolous & angry on other girl.

3) You see him in your dream daily.

4) You don't feel like to eat or drink anything.

5) You feel sad when you are alone & you are not able to meet him once in a day.

6) You just love him when he care about you, or start teasing you.

7) You expect him to behave like gentleman.

8) When he treats you like angel, you become happy & feel as if this is a dream comes true for you.

9) Suddenly you start loving romantic movies & romantic songs.

If that is what happens with you girls, that means you are in love & so you need to grab him before its too late, so go & propose that guy today.

Now Tips For Boys:-

1) You have always been in the environment where many girls are there, you always flirt with all girls, but never fall in love them, but there is one girl who is absolutely different then other girls & you think she is special for you.

2) Many girls has proposed you, but you never took anybody seriously because you dont love them, but there is one girl whom you like but you are little feared to propose her because you are confused if its love or not, & whether she loves you or not.

3) You dont like your girlfriend to be with someone else, or going on in someone else's bike or car, you feel she should spend all night & day with you.

4) When you get a big surprise on your birthday from your girlfriend & you feel this is the best birthday you have ever had.

5) You make your girlfriend jeolous by flirting with her best friend, just because she made you jeolous when she was with your friend.

6) You have passion for music & when you play guitar or any other instrument & start singing song, you see your girlfriend everywhere.

7) She inspired you for music & for every activities, she made you cheerful when you had participated in sports & won the race.

8) You like to go promp night only with your girlfriend.

9) If your girlfriend don't like you, when you smoke cigratees or drink beer, you dont drink in front of her, so that she don't feel embarassed.

10) When you always wants to listen to what your girlfriend says & what she likes/ dislikes.

That's the first true love, if any guys are in same situtation as mentioned above, that means you are in love, not only love but its a true love, so if you have not proposed your girlfriend yet, then go now & propose her today. Don't get fear of rejection.

I will post next article tomorrow about "Fear Of Rejection" so that you don't get fear, if got rejected by any girl/boy.

Any questions you have, feel free to ask me here, just click on "0 Comments" & write your question with your name & email address.


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